Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Weekly Motivation for 12th October – 16th October 2015 by Ndimofor Aretas
Good Morning dear students;
I believe you have often heard some people talk about ATTITUDE… especially at home…
I remember how my parents use to mention attitude whenever I was to be punished for a crime or rewarded for something well done.
When it was for a crime, they will tell me that I have A BAD ATTITUDE, and when it was for a job well done, they will say that I have A GOOD ATTITUDE.
I still get that word to this day… especially from single people who are aspiring for a life partner….
They often list a GOOD ATTITUDE as one of the qualities they will like in their partners-to-be…..
            Not too long ago, I came to understand that all the above situations are all about HABIT and NOT ATTITUDE…!
A habit can be defined in simple terms as;
A regularly repeated behaviour pattern: an action or pattern of behaviour that is repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may be unaware of it.
For example; I really need to get into the habit of writing down my plans.
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ATTITUDE on the other hand is a little bit complex, but Jeff Keller (in His book entitled ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING) defines ATTITUDE as:
“The mental filter through which you experience the world”.
Just imagine yourself inside a room with only 1 window through which you can see and experience the world.  Imagine that the window has a clean transparent glass pane.  The cleaner the glass, the clearer you will see the things around you.  When that glass gets dirty, you don’t see things clearly enough and you then need to clean it up again….!
Dear students that room is your mind and the window pane (window glass) is your attitude.
Your attitude is your window to the world.
I became really amazed when I started learning about ATTITUDE and how it can greatly influence my life….. 
The first amazing thing is the fact that we all start or lives with a good attitude (a clean mental window)… if you want to understand what I mean, observe little children as Jeff Keller suggests. 
They’re always laughing and giggling, they have a sunny disposition, they love to explore new things, although they may fall and cry several times, amazingly, they still get to a happy mode in the shortest time compared to adults….
The second amazing thing I learned was that:
Our attitude is very important for our success…
Though we all start off life with Good Attitudes, we tend to develop different attitudes as we get older and some of them regrettably are detrimental to or own success
Let me enlighten you on the types of attitudes we develop… actually, they can be broadly classified under 2 categories;
Let me give you some examples to explain the difference between a positive attitude and a negative attitude.

Negative Attitude
Positive Attitude
x        The person with the negative attitude thinks
“I CAN’T.”
ü  The person with the positive attitude thinks
“I CAN.”
x        The person with the negative attitude dwells on problems.
ü  The person with the positive attitude concentrates on solutions.
x        The person with the negative attitude finds fault with others and is quick to blame.
ü  The person with the positive attitude looks for the good in others and appreciates.
x        The person with the negative attitude complains and focuses on what’s missing (i.e what he or she does not have).
ü  The person with the positive attitude counts his or her blessings.
x        The person with the negative attitude sees limitations.(that is, why it is impossible)
ü  The person with the positive attitude sees possibilities.

I could go on and on with examples, but I’m sure you get the general idea.
The sad thing is that a great majority of us tend to develop negative attitudes. And here’s why;
x        Our windows get splattered and stained by CRITICISM from parents and teachers.
x        Our windows get stained by RIDICULE from peers.
x        Our windows get smeared by REJECTION especially from loved ones and friends.
x        Our windows get soiled by DISAPPOINTMENTS.
x        Our windows get clouded by DOUBT.
The problem is, the dirt keeps building up, and we do nothing about it. We continue to go through life with a dirty window. We lose our enthusiasm. We get frustrated and depressed. And most tragically, we give up on our God given dreams — all because we fail to clean or attitude window.
The GOOD NEWS is that it is not too late to start now…!
Although, I can give you a little encouragement, and other people can encourage you too, but in the end, nobody else can do it for you.
When you choose to take out your sponge and clean your window, life will be brighter and sunnier. You’ll be healthier and happier. You’ll set some ambitious goals... and begin to achieve them. Your dreams will come alive again! 
WAOOOOOOW…! You come back to life…! Resurrection, like The Lord Jesus Christ.
Due to the importance in the relationship between attitude and success, my next series of write ups will focus on ATTITUDE.
I have come to understand that there are FOUR MAJOR AREAS in our lives which need to constantly and regularly evaluate.  They include;
ü  OUR RELATIONSHIPS (with God and your “neighbour”)
ü  OUR HEALTH, (how serious are you about your health?)
ü  OUR FINANCES (how do you react when it comes to financial matters?)
ü  AND OUR CAREERS (how are you working towards your dream career?)
We need to constantly evaluate our attitudes in each of those areas and make sure that our “windows are clean”….
I’ll do my best to make you understand what I have learned, but you have the choice….
When it’s all said and done, you, and you alone, control your attitude. As you go on from today, keep reflecting and thinking about the following quotes;
ü  A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow.
ü  Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day, for good or bad.
ü  A happy person is NOT a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of ATTITUDES.   Hugh Downs
I know of someone who had a GREAT POSITIVE ATTITUDE and showed through His action that ATTITUDE WAS EVERYTHING.  He was so positive that even on the day he was being killed, he still saw GOODNESS and POSITIVITY in those responsible for His death.  Today, over 2000 yrs later, we still have a lot to learn from His ATTITUDE. His name is Jesus Christ.  Pray to Him and surrender your ATTITUDE to him let Him show you the way to clean up your attitude window and develop His WINNING ATTITUDE.
By Ndimofor Aretas
Monday, 05/09/2015
(For the week of 12th October – 16th October 2015)

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