Thursday, October 8, 2015


Weekly Motivation for 28th September – 2nd October 2015 by Ndimofor Aretas
Dear students;
A great Chinese philosopher by the name of Lao Tse once said:
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”

I believe you have joined me on this journey to intentional success and have therefore already taken the first step of making a plan.  After making a plan, the next thing to do is to TAKE ACTION.
            Remember that in order to change the results, you have to also change your actions.  Only a fool will do things the same way and expect different results!  I believe you are not fools because you have started doing something different…….

            You have started learning about writing down your plans and some of you have already done just that!  BUT if you haven’t yet, START NOW….! It’s not too late….. At least you are listening to me or maybe reading this….. Which means YOU now know what YOU HAVE TO DO!


When you have a dream or a desire, act on it by writing it down and outlining the steps it will take for you to achieve it.  That’s the start of  SETTING and ACHIEVING goals!!!
At this point, you need to understand that there are WRONG ACTIONS as well as there are RIGHT ACTIONS.  

WRONG ACTIONS are those that will take you away from your goals and produce the wrong results!!!!
They put you at the WRONG PLACE at the RIGHT TIME or at the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME but WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE….!

Take for example; students come to school in order to gain knowledge for a brighter future and to sustain growth and development.  BUT if a student leaves his/her home for school in the morning and ends up in a bar, in the bushes around campus, in a boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s room, under Bo Kafain’s mango, plume or pear tree…..etc

Such actions result to grievous consequences such as: disciplinary sanctions for late coming and absenteeism, dismissals for misconduct or premature and unwanted pregnancies…..well, you know the rest!
But don’t be scared, the GOOD NEWS is you are here now….! 

You can avoid all that TOTALLY by having a written plan and making a commitment to take the necessary steps to accomplish your goals….

What then are THE RIGHT ACTIONS…? 

You already know a lot of them…. These are those actions that take us a step closer to our goals and produce results that inspire, motivate and build up self confidence and integrity not only for us, but for our parents, friends and generations to come…..
They include actions like;
-          Coming early to school,
-          Doing our assignments and homework on time,
-          Copying notes properly,
-          Studying hard,
-          Showing humility and obedience to parents, seniors and school authorities…..
And of course it all grows from doing the will of God and obeying His Commandments……. As it is clearly stated in the Bible book of Mathew 6:33.
            My dear students, you can only know THE RIGHT ACTIONS to take if you have a written plan…!  

Even if you don’t see how possible it will be, just begin in Faith and the God who put that Good dream in your heart will do extraordinary miracles to see you through as He says in Phil.1:6. 
-          Rev. Joel Osteen says; “Just do the ordinary and God will do the extraordinary”.

-          The Great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. puts it this way: “Just take the first step in faith, even if you do not see the whole staircase… just begin with the first step”

-          I read from somewhere that; “ Successful people do not wait for things to happen to them….NO…They go out and HAPPEN to things

Heaven helps those who act….!

If you go beyond dreaming and planning and start taking THE RIGHT STEPS AND ACTIONS, God promises to guide your steps (Proverbs 16:9).  

He will lead you to favour, increase and success….
By Ndimofor Aretas
Monday, 28/09/2015
                                                                                                       (For the week of 28th September – 2nd October 2015)

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