Sunday, November 8, 2015


(You are your mind’s farmer Part 3)
Weekly Motivation for 9th November – 13th November 2015 by Ndimofor Aretas
Good Morning dear students;
            Am I right to assume that as you started and continuously used positive declaration your weeks are improving?  If that is the case then I encourage you to continue.... but if not yet, then I still encourage you to start now...!
Start with your response to the following question;
I am sure you agree with me that we ask and answer this particular question countless times each day...
We can use just our words to stay happy and positive for as long as we want to...
The reason I am insisting on HAPPINESS is because I came to understand that our minds are most RELAXED and RECEPTIVE when we are happy than when we are annoyed or under psychological stress. 
You will agree with me that you UNDERSTAND and EASILY RECALL most of any lesson when the learning atmosphere is RELAXED AND FUN than when you are UNDER PRESSURE. 
If you really wish to succeed, you need to be continuously happy all the way.   I cannot fully explain all this, but I can only assure you out of personal experience.
I therefore suggest that now that you are aiming for success, use words that will move you towards your aim...  starting from the way you respond to the question;
But before you answer, ......... remember this...;
Your day goes the way the corners of your mouth turn.
If the corners of your mouth turn up (like when you smile) then your day is bound to also be an UP day (that is; a happy and successful day) but the reverse is true if the corners of your mouth turn DOWN... it takes the same amount of effort to turn your mouth up or down... so YOU HAVE THE CHOICE....
I always remind you that in every point of decision, YOU HAVE A CHOICE... one reason why I do these write – ups, is to show you the available choices and their consequences....! That is why I call them INTENTIONAL SUCCESS write – ups...
I always urge you to INTENTIONALLY do those things that will make you succeed so that...
You BUILD and SEE your success happening....!
In this write-up, I am urging you to use your words to INTENTIONALLY PROGRAM YOUR MIND FOR SUCCESS AND GREATNESS...!
In an observation on the way people respond to the question; How Are You, Jeff Keller concluded that there are 3 categories of people;
Ø  Negative thinkers,
Ø  Mediocre or average thinkers and 
Ø  Positive thinkers.

1)      The negative replies to How are you? include phrases such as: 
“I’m just there.” “ I am Managing.”  “It’s not my day.”   “Don’t ask.” “I’m tired.” 
Sometimes the person’s response starts with a long sigh.....  Such responses Turn people OFF!
2)      Those in the mediocre group are a step up from the negative bunch — but they still have plenty of room for improvement.  Here are some of the things they say when you ask them                 How are you? ”: 
“I’m okay.”   “Not too bad.”  “Could be worse.”  “I’m Good.”  “I’m Fine.” .... the truth here is that people who use mediocre or average words will develop a mediocre or average attitude... and get mediocre or average results.  And I know you want GREAT RESULTS!
3)      Here’s the positive approach.  These are the ENTHUSIASTIC people who say: 
“Terrific!.” “Fantastic!.”  “Great!.”  “Excellent.!”  “Super!.”  “Magnificent!.” ....
Those who use positive words like these have a BOUNCE in their step and you feel a little better just by being around them!  Repeat these last positive responses and see how the corners of your mouth turn!
  I won’t say any more...  
In my next write-up, I will explain why YOU SHOULD be able to respond with positive answers even when you don’t FEEL AS TO...!
Ever since I first told my students about this, we always tease each other with the question;
I always defeat them because I have a long chain of positive responses that swoops them into Positivity....  whenever they ask me HOW ARE YOU SIR?  My non-stop responses are;.......
(Are you ready?)
I am Great, Fantastic, Enthusiastic, Motivated, Blessed, Happy, Successful, Energetic, Unstoppable, Wonderful, Smart, Intelligent, Confident, Shinning the light, Moving from Glory to Glory....
IN JESUS’ NAME ........ AMEN.... 
(Even the word AMEN makes the corners of my mouth to turn UP !)
By Ndimofor Aretas
Monday, 09/11/2015
(For the week of for 9th November – 13th November 2015)
Sources of most of the points:  Jeff Keller (ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING)

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