Dome (or Dihedron):
It is an open crystal form consisting of 2 non –
parallel faces. Each face cuts the c crystallographic axis and one other
horizontal crystallographic axis and is parallel to the other. { I
0 I } or { 0I I
It is an open form composed of 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12 non
– parallel faces that meet at a common point. Each face intersects all three
crystallographic axes. The Tetragonal,
Trigonal, Orthorhombic, and Hexagonal systems all produce pyramids.
Bipyramid: It is an open form with 6, 8, 12, 16 or 24 triangular
faces that intersect all 3 crystallographic axes. Just like the pyramid, there are
also Tetragonal, Trigonal, Orthorhombic,
and Hexagonal bipyramids.
Figure 26: Bipyramids
Scalenohedrons: It is a closed form with 8 or 12 faces
grouped in symmetrical pairs. There are
Tetragonal Scalenohedrons (with 8 faces) and Hexagonal scalenohedrons with (12
faces). Scalenohedrons are built up of [1]scalene
It is a closed form composed of 6 rhomb shaped faces
in which each face intersects 3 crystallographic axes and is parallel to the fourth.
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