Saturday, August 8, 2015

CLASSIFICATION OF CRYSTALS 3 (The Tetragonal system)

2)    The Tetragonal System


Figure 31: The crystallographic axes of the tetragonal system

-         The crystals in this system are referred to by 3 crystallographic axes which are perpendicular (90o) to each other.
-         The two horizontal axes are equal in length and labeled a1 a2 while the third axis is either longer or shorter and labeled c.  That is a = b≠ c  (a1 = a2  ≠ c)
-         Its axial angles are such that α = β = γ = 90o
-         The unit form is a system made up of straight prisms with square bases.
-         The diagnostic property if this system is a unique 1iv axis on the c crystallographic axis.
The Tetragonal system has 7 classes as follows:
a)     The Tetragonal holosymmetric (Ditetragonal bipyramidal) class or the Zircon type.
b)    The Tetragonal hemimorphic (Tetragonal pyramidal) class
c)     The Tetragonal Sphenoidal Class
d)    The Tetragonal Bipyramidal class
e)     The Ditetragonal hemimorphic (Ditetragonal pyramidal) class
f)      The Tetragonal scalenohedral (tetragonal bisphenoidal) class
g)     The Tetragonal Trapezohedral class.
          The holohedral class of the system is the Tetragonal holosymmetric (Ditetragonal bipyramidal) class or zircon type with the following elements of symmetry:
-         A center of symmetry
-         5 planes of symmetry (3 axial and 2 diagonal)
-         5 axes of symmetry (1iv and 4ii)

Forms in the Tetragonal System:
1.     Basal pinacoid: It is a form composed of 2 parallel faces perpendicular to the c crystallographic axis.  The basal pinacoids exist in combination with the various prisms of this system which include:
-         Tetragonal Prisms of the 1st order {I I 0 } and
-         Tetragonal Prisms of the 2nd order {0 I 0 }

NB: Prisms of the 1st order are those whose faces intersect one horizontal axis and are parallel to the rest while Prisms of the 2nd order are those whose faces intersect two horizontal axes and are parallel to the rest.

2.     Bipyramids {I I 0 }, which is a combination of prisms, bipyramids and pinacoids;
 Tetragonal bipyramids of 1storder whose faces intersect all 3 crystallographic axes symbolized as {I I I }
          Tetragonal bipyramids of 2nd order whose faces intersect the vertical crystallographic axis and 1 other horizontal crystallographic axis and is parallel to the other horizontal axis.
Examples of some minerals with this form include: Idocrase, zircon, Rutile and Cassiterite.  Of them all, Idocrase shows a combination of all the forms in the tetragonal system.

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