Triclinic System
This system has the following characteristics:
3 unequal
crystallographic axes all at oblique angles.
That is;
a ≠ b ≠ c.
Its axial angles are
such that α ≠ γ ≠ β ≠ 90o
The diagnostic property
of this system is the lack of axes and planes of symmetry.
The Triclinic system has 2 classes as follows:
a) The
Asymmetric (Triclinic pedial) class
b) The
Triclinic holosymmetric (Triclinic pinacoidal) class, which is the
holosymmetric class with the following properties:
A center of symmetry
No planes of symmetry
No axes of symmetry
Examples include: plagioclase
feldspars and kyanite.